Monday, November 16, 2015

A moment for pre-convention reflections

I apologize, faithful readers.  I haven't posted in a while.  My DragonWing Arts art enrichment business went on unplanned hiatus this fall, when my former students suddenly had too many conflicts, and I had only one enrollment for a planned fun fall program.  With no students, I haven't had much I've wanted to post.  I am disappointed, but hopefully my business will improve.  But nevertheless, I've kept really busy. 
I love the fall, and have been outside whenever possible.  The top two photos are from a walk on the bike path along a canal, not far from my home. 
We've been back and forth to Cape Cod to see my brother's new home, and to Boston to see my son's new apartment (the two photos above are from the drive home), and I've been raking leaves, and last week, on a couple of lovely fall days, we spent a little time at our camp where I kayaked alone on a totally empty lake.  (Empty of boats and people, that is.  There was a pair of loons on the lake.)  The autumn colors may be gone, but the quiet lake is still beautiful.
Meanwhile - a few days ago, I went to the driveway to get into my car, and looking across at the neighbor's driveway and the pile of raked leaves at the end of it, I saw this cutie below.
But anyhow...
I haven't just been 'playing' outside.  I've also been prepping madly for the coming weekend, when I head to Rochester for our annual state convention.  My art studio is a total disaster, filled with boxes holding the supplies and handouts for the four workshops I'll be teaching, and materials for the "Bling Your Badge" table that I'm in charge of, and supplies for the Saturday night Partici-Paint activity. 
All of this means, of course, that I should have lots of artsy stuff to tell you about when I return at the end of the weekend!  See you then!

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